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role the character played by an actor or actress. [3 definitions]
role model one who serves as an example in the performance of a particular role.
roll to move by rotating or turning over repeatedly. [32 definitions]
roller a wheel or caster attached to the bottom of a heavy object, for ease in moving. [4 definitions]
roller coaster an amusement park ride in which a small, gravity-propelled train of open cars rides rapidly up and down a curving, winding, track built on trestles.
roller skate a shoe, or frame fitting over a shoe, with four small rollers or wheels, designed for skating on a hard surface.
rolling the motion or sound of something that is turning in a circle over and over. [7 definitions]
rolling pin a hard smooth cylinder of wood or marble, usu. having handles at each end, that is used to roll out dough.
ROM abbreviation of "read-only memory."
Roman of, pertaining to, or characteristic of modern or ancient Rome or its people, culture, or the like. [7 definitions]
Roman Catholic Church a Christian church organized into a hierarchy of bishops and priests that is headed by the pope, or Bishop of Rome; Latin Church.
romance a love affair, or a depiction of one in a novel, story, or film. [7 definitions]
Romance language one of the modern languages that come from Latin. Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are Romance languages.
Roman Empire the territories ruled by ancient Rome, extending from Britain to North Africa and Asia Minor. [2 definitions]
Romania a European country between Hungary and the Black Sea.
Roman numeral any of the letters I, V, X, L, C, D, or M, used in the Roman system of notation, in which a letter followed by one of equal or lesser value indicates addition of the two, a letter followed by one of greater value indicates that the first is to be subtracted from the second, and a bar over a letter multiplies it by 1,000.
romantic of, pertaining to, or characterized by romance. [8 definitions]
Rome the capital of Italy. [2 definitions]
romp to move or play in a carefree and lively or boisterous manner. [4 definitions]
roof the surface or structure covering the top of a building. [3 definitions]
rook2 a chess piece that can move over any number of empty squares sideways or forward and backward; castle.