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Roman numeral any of the letters I, V, X, L, C, D, or M, used in the Roman system of notation, in which a letter followed by one of equal or lesser value indicates addition of the two, a letter followed by one of greater value indicates that the first is to be subtracted from the second, and a bar over a letter multiplies it by 1,000.
romantic of, pertaining to, or characterized by romance. [8 definitions]
Rome the capital of Italy. [2 definitions]
romp to move or play in a carefree and lively or boisterous manner. [4 definitions]
roof the surface or structure covering the top of a building. [3 definitions]
rook2 a chess piece that can move over any number of empty squares sideways or forward and backward; castle.
rookie a beginner, esp. a professional athlete in his or her first season on a team. [2 definitions]
room space that is occupied or available for occupation. [6 definitions]
roommate one who shares another's room or lodgings.
roomy having ample room; large; spacious.
roost a perch on which birds, esp. domesticated fowl, rest or sleep, or a place or enclosure provided with such perches. [3 definitions]
rooster an adult male chicken or other fowl; cock.
root1 the part of a plant that usu. grows underground, absorbs water and nutrients, and attaches the plant to the soil. [11 definitions]
root2 to dig or turn over soil, often with the snout or nose, as a pig. [4 definitions]
root3 to cheer for or encourage a contestant or team. [2 definitions]
rope a strong, flexible, usu. thick and heavy line of twisted or braided hemp, nylon, or similar material. [8 definitions]
rose1 any of numerous wild or cultivated shrubs or vines that have compound leaves and usu. thorny stems and bear showy, usu. fragrant flowers composed of many petals. [7 definitions]
rose2 past tense of rise.
rosebud the bud of a rose, or something resembling it.
Rosh Hashanah the beginning of the New Year according to the lunar Jewish calendar, celebrated as a high holy day on the first day or first and second days of Tishri.
rosy deep reddish pink. [4 definitions]