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round out to bring to completion or perfection.
round trip a trip to a given destination and back to the starting point.
roundup the herding of cattle for branding or shipping to market. [3 definitions]
round up to bring together; collect. [2 definitions]
rouse to waken from sleep, apathy, depression, or the like; arouse. [5 definitions]
rout1 a disorderly and confused retreat of defeated troops. [5 definitions]
rout2 to root about with the snout, as swine. [5 definitions]
route a way, such as a road, by which persons travel or by which goods are shipped or delivered. [4 definitions]
routine standard or customary procedure or course of action. [7 definitions]
routinely regularly; habitually.
row1 things or people arranged approximately in a straight line. [4 definitions]
row2 to cause a boat to move forward by means of oars. [6 definitions]
row3 (chiefly British) a loud or quarrelsome dispute. [2 definitions]
rowboat a boat propelled by oars.
royal of or pertaining to a king, queen, or other sovereign or monarch. [5 definitions]
royalty a member of the family of a king or queen, or such members collectively. [4 definitions]
RR abbreviation of "railroad," all the trains, tracks, management, and equipment that constitute a rail transportation system. [2 definitions]
rte. abbreviation of "route."
rub to apply friction and pressure to with a back and forth motion. [8 definitions]
rubber1 a highly elastic solid made of dried and coagulated sap or latex from various tropical plants, esp. the rubber tree. [8 definitions]
rubber band a narrow, elastic, circular or oval loop of natural or synthetic rubber, used to hold together separate objects, papers, or the like.