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routine standard or customary procedure or course of action. [7 definitions]
routinely regularly; habitually.
row1 things or people arranged approximately in a straight line. [4 definitions]
row2 to cause a boat to move forward by means of oars. [6 definitions]
row3 (chiefly British) a loud or quarrelsome dispute. [2 definitions]
rowboat a boat propelled by oars.
royal of or pertaining to a king, queen, or other sovereign or monarch. [5 definitions]
royalty a member of the family of a king or queen, or such members collectively. [4 definitions]
RR abbreviation of "railroad," all the trains, tracks, management, and equipment that constitute a rail transportation system. [2 definitions]
rte. abbreviation of "route."
rub to apply friction and pressure to with a back and forth motion. [8 definitions]
rubber1 a highly elastic solid made of dried and coagulated sap or latex from various tropical plants, esp. the rubber tree. [8 definitions]
rubber band a narrow, elastic, circular or oval loop of natural or synthetic rubber, used to hold together separate objects, papers, or the like.
rubbish worthless, discarded material or objects; garbage; trash. [3 definitions]
rubble fragments of crumbled or crushed rock, masonry, or the like, as resulting from demolition. [2 definitions]
rub elbows with mingle or associate with.
ruble the chief monetary unit of Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, equaling one hundred kopecks.
rub the wrong way to irritate or annoy.
ruby a deep red gemstone, or something made of this stone. [4 definitions]
rudder a movable vertical blade at the rear end of a ship or airplane, used to control direction. [2 definitions]
rude unmannerly or impolite. [5 definitions]