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rummage to make a quick, vigorous search. [5 definitions]
rumor a piece of information or a story of unknown or uncertain origin, not confirmed by evidence, and usu. spread by word of mouth; hearsay. [2 definitions]
rumour a spelling of "rumor" used in Canada and Britain. See "rumor" for more information.
rump the hindquarters of an animal. [5 definitions]
run to propel oneself forward by moving the legs very quickly so that all feet are briefly off the ground. [36 definitions]
run across to encounter by chance.
runaway one who has fled or run away; fugitive. [6 definitions]
run-down in poor physical condition or health. [4 definitions]
run down to hit and seriously injure (a person) while driving one's vehicle, or to hit and knock over (a standing object) with one's vehicle. [6 definitions]
rung1 past tense and past participle of ring2.
rung2 a horizontal crossbar, usu. rounded and usu. one of several, braced between two vertical members, as on a ladder or between the legs of a chair.
run low to become nearly used up. [2 definitions]
runner someone or something that runs, esp. in races. [7 definitions]
runner-up the person or team that finishes a competition in second place.
running the act or activity of one that runs. [7 definitions]
running mate a candidate for a political office that is closely associated with a more important office. [2 definitions]
runny tending to flow, leak, or drip too much. [2 definitions]
run out to use something to the point where there is nothing left even though it is still needed or desired (often fol. by "of"). [4 definitions]
run riot to move, act, or grow without control.
runt an undersized or stunted animal, esp. the smallest of a litter, as of pigs or dogs. [2 definitions]
runway a smooth, level strip, usu. paved, on which aircraft take off and land; airstrip. [4 definitions]