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sadly in a manner that exhibits or expresses sadness. [3 definitions]
sadness the state, condition, or quality of being sad, unhappy, or regretful.
safari an expedition for observing or hunting large animals, esp. in Africa. [2 definitions]
safe providing security from harm, loss, or danger. [8 definitions]
safeguard a person, thing, or action that serves to protect or defend; means of maintaining safety. [2 definitions]
safely without being harmed.
safety the condition of being safe from danger. [3 definitions]
safety belt a protective harness that fits across the lap and often the chest of a passenger or operator of an automobile, airplane, or the like; seat belt. [2 definitions]
safety pin a pin doubled back on itself to form a clasp with a spring at one end and a protective sheath at the other that covers and holds the point.
sag to sink, hang, or bend downward in the middle. [8 definitions]
sage1 a person honored as very wise or experienced. [2 definitions]
sagebrush one of a group of shrubs of the daisy family, native to dry areas in southwestern North America, that have aromatic silvery leaves.
Sagittarius a summer zodiacal constellation located between Scorpius and Capricornus and within the brightest part of the Milky Way; Archer. [3 definitions]
Sahara a vast North African desert extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Nile.
Sahara Desert a vast arid region of North Africa extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Nile.
said past tense and past participle of say. [2 definitions]
Saigon see "Ho Chi Minh City."
sail a large piece of fabric or the like that may be mounted on a vessel and extended to catch the force of the wind for propulsion. [12 definitions]
sailboat a boat driven mainly by sails.
sailor an enlisted man in the navy, whose duty is aboard a ship. [3 definitions]
saint one who has died and been formally recognized by the Roman Catholic or other Christian church as having lived a holy life or as having given one's life to God as a holy martyr; one who is considered by the Church to be worthy of veneration. (abbr.: St. or Ste.) [5 definitions]