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sawhorse a four-legged frame designed to support wood that is being sawed, usu. used in pairs.
sawmill a building or plant in which lumber is cut into boards, planks, or the like.
sawn a past participle of saw1.
saxophone any of several wind instruments that have a conical metal body, finger keys, and a mouthpiece with a single reed; alto, tenor, baritone, soprano, or bass saxophone.
say to speak or utter. [16 definitions]
saying a well-known statement, esp. a proverb.
say uncle to yield; give up.
SC abbreviation of "South Carolina," a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast, between North Carolina and Georgia.
scab the protective crust that forms over a wound during the healing process. [6 definitions]
scabbard a sheath or case for a sword, dagger, or the like. [2 definitions]
scaffold an elevated temporary platform that is used to hold workers and materials during the construction or maintenance of a building. [5 definitions]
scale1 one of the many small, hard, thin plates that cover fish, reptiles, and certain mammals. [7 definitions]
scale2 (often pl.) an apparatus used for weighing.
scale3 a series of successive steps or degrees. [10 definitions]
scalene triangle a triangle that has three sides with different lengths.
scallion an onion with a small bulb; green onion. [2 definitions]
scallop any of various sea mollusks that have rounded, ribbed, bivalve shells and are able to swim rapidly. [6 definitions]
scalp the skin that covers the part of the human head that is usu. protected by hair. [5 definitions]
scaly covered with scales. [2 definitions]
scamper to run quickly or playfully. [2 definitions]
scan to read or look over quickly; skim. [10 definitions]