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scar the mark that remains on living tissue when a wound or burn has healed, or on a stem when a leaf, flower, or fruit has dropped from a plant. [5 definitions]
scarce in short supply; insufficient. [2 definitions]
scarcely just barely; by only a small margin. [2 definitions]
scare to frighten or startle (someone). [4 definitions]
scarecrow a large figure of a human being, usu. made from stuffed clothes and set up in a crop field to scare birds away. [2 definitions]
scared feeling fear; afraid.
scarf1 a usu. long and narrow woven or knitted garment worn around the neck, head, or shoulders. [2 definitions]
scarlet a bright orangy red color. [4 definitions]
scarves a plural form of scarf.
scary causing fear; frightening.
scatter to cause to separate in all directions; disperse. [6 definitions]
scavenger a person or thing that scavenges, esp. an animal that eats decaying flesh.
scene the place where any event occurs. [8 definitions]
scenery surrounding land as it appears to a viewer; landscape. [2 definitions]
scenic of, pertaining to, or showing natural, beautiful scenery. [3 definitions]
scent a characteristic odor, esp. a pleasant one. [7 definitions]
scepter a ceremonial staff that symbolizes a monarch's power. [3 definitions]
schedule a plan of activity organized by units of time. [5 definitions]
scheme a devious plan; plot. [5 definitions]
scholar a learned person, esp. one who is engaged in research or study. [3 definitions]
scholarship money given to a student by a school or organization to help pay for the cost of schooling. [2 definitions]