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scoff to speak with mild scorn or derision (often fol. by "at"). [2 definitions]
scold to speak to with angry disapproval; reprimand; chastise. [3 definitions]
scoop a utensil with a short handle and a long, deep, curved bowl, used to take up sugar, grain, or the like. [12 definitions]
scoot to go with a quick darting motion. [4 definitions]
scooter a child's two-wheeled vehicle with a vertical steering handle in front and along low footboard between the wheels. [3 definitions]
-scope an instrument or device for seeing or observing.
scope the breadth or range of one's view, thoughts, operation, or the like. [4 definitions]
scorch to burn slightly, esp. without setting aflame. [5 definitions]
score the record of the total points earned in a competition or test. [15 definitions]
scoreboard a large board on which the score in an athletic contest is posted, often along with other related information.
scorn undisguised contempt; derision. [5 definitions]
Scorpio see "Scorpius." [3 definitions]
scorpion any of several small animals related to the spider that have a long, narrow body and a segmented tail with a venomous tip. [2 definitions]
Scot a native or inhabitant of Scotland, or a descendant thereof; Scotsman or Scotswoman. [2 definitions]
Scotch of or pertaining to Scotland or its people, culture, dialect, or the like; Scottish. [4 definitions]
Scotland a division of the United Kingdom, comprising the northern part of Great Britain and nearby islands.
Scottish of or pertaining to Scotland or its people, culture, dialect, or the like; Scots; Scotch. [3 definitions]
scoundrel a person who disregards morals or laws; villain.
scour1 to scrub energetically. [7 definitions]
scour2 to travel over, esp. while looking for something. [3 definitions]
scout a person, ship, plane, or the like sent ahead to acquire information, esp. in a war zone. [8 definitions]