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scramble to move hastily, esp. using both hands and feet to maintain one's balance or pull oneself along, as if on an incline or irregular ground. [10 definitions]
scrap1 a small bit or fragment, esp. a leftover or discarded piece. [6 definitions]
scrap2 (informal) a fight, esp. a physical fight; scuffle. [2 definitions]
scrapbook an album for saving photographs, newspaper clippings, and the like.
scrape to rub the surface of with something sharp or abrasive, as for cleaning or removing material. [13 definitions]
scratch to mark or damage the surface of by scraping with or against something sharp. [22 definitions]
scratchy causing or likely to cause scratching; itchy. [3 definitions]
scrawl to write or draw hastily or awkwardly. [2 definitions]
scrawny extremely thin; gaunt.
scream to make a shrill, piercing cry or sound. [6 definitions]
screech to make a harsh, shrill, grating cry or sound. [3 definitions]
screen a closely woven wire mesh used to filter liquid or grains or to keep insects from entering through windows. [9 definitions]
screen saver a small program that takes over a computer's screen and substitutes a decorative image if the computer has not been used for a set length of time. Screen savers were first used to prevent damage to computer screens but are now mainly used for decoration.
screw a fastener, usu. metal, having a sometimes tapered shank with a helical thread, driven into a surface by applying pressure to the head while turning it. [13 definitions]
screwdriver a tool for turning a screw, consisting of a shank that fits the head of the screw and a handle or mechanism for turning the shank. [2 definitions]
scribble to write hastily, awkwardly, or carelessly; scrawl. [6 definitions]
scribe1 one employed as a copyist. [3 definitions]
scrimp to save money in every possible way; be extremely frugal. [2 definitions]
script the written text of a dialogue, play, movie, or the like. [5 definitions]
Scripture (often pl.) the Bible; Holy Scriptures. [3 definitions]
scroll a roll of parchment, papyrus, or the like, esp. one with writing on it. [4 definitions]