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sell to exchange (something) with another for money. [9 definitions]
seller one who sells; vendor. [2 definitions]
semester one half of an academic year.
semicircle one half of a circle. [2 definitions]
semicolon a punctuation mark (;) used to separate independent clauses within a sentence, indicating a less distinct break than that marked by a period, or used to separate clauses or phrases containing commas.
semifinal designating the next-to-last game or match. [2 definitions]
seminary a religious school for preparing and educating men and women for work in ministry.
Seminole a member of a North American Indian tribe that was originally a Creek tribe and is now located in Florida and Oklahoma. [2 definitions]
semitrailer a freight-hauling trailer that is supported at the front by the tractor cab that pulls it.
senate (cap.) the upper house of the legislature in the United States, Canada, and certain other countries. [3 definitions]
senator a member of a senate.
send to cause to be transmitted, as by mail or delivery service. [7 definitions]
Senegal a West African country on the Atlantic, between Mauritania and Guinea.
senior elder, esp. of two relatives having the same name (often used in abbreviation). [7 definitions]
senior citizen an elderly person, esp. one who is past the usual retirement age of sixty-five.
sensation a perception by means of one of the sense organs. [5 definitions]
sensational producing or intended to produce intense excitement or interest, esp. by lurid or exaggerated elements. [3 definitions]
sense any of five ways to perceive, namely touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. [12 definitions]
sense organ a specialized organ or structure of the body, such as an eye or taste bud, that receives stimuli and transmits them to the brain; receptor.
sensible having or showing sound judgment. [4 definitions]
sensitive having the ability to sense. [7 definitions]