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senior citizen an elderly person, esp. one who is past the usual retirement age of sixty-five.
sensation a perception by means of one of the sense organs. [5 definitions]
sensational producing or intended to produce intense excitement or interest, esp. by lurid or exaggerated elements. [3 definitions]
sense any of five ways to perceive, namely touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. [12 definitions]
sense organ a specialized organ or structure of the body, such as an eye or taste bud, that receives stimuli and transmits them to the brain; receptor.
sensible having or showing sound judgment. [4 definitions]
sensitive having the ability to sense. [7 definitions]
sensor anything that is capable of registering physical quantities, as of light or temperature, and sending signals that indicate the level of the stimulus.
sent past tense and past participle of send.
sentence a grammatically complete unit in either writing or speech, marked by a clear beginning and a full stop and usu. expressing an independent statement, question, command, or the like. [3 definitions]
sentiment an attitude or point of view regarding something. [3 definitions]
sentimental pertaining to or resulting from sentiment. [4 definitions]
sentry a guard posted to prevent entry or exit by unauthorized persons, keep watch against dangers, or the like.
Seoul the capital of South Korea.
sepal one of the leaflike parts that enclose an unopened flower.
separate to put or keep apart; disunite; part. [12 definitions]
separately apart; not together; in a separate way.
separation the act of separating or condition of being separated. [4 definitions]
Sept. abbreviation of "September," the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
sept-1 seven.
September the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.