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session a legislative or judicial meeting or meetings. [5 definitions]
set to put in a particular position or location. [25 definitions]
setback something that slows, stops, or reverses progress. [2 definitions]
set fire to to cause to start burning; ignite.
set in to begin to be established or take effect.
setting surroundings; context; environment. [5 definitions]
settle1 to finally agree upon or resolve. [13 definitions]
settle down to adopt a quieter and more stable lifestyle. [4 definitions]
settlement the process or act of settling, or the condition of being settled. [4 definitions]
settler a person who settles in a previously uninhabited or new area.
set up to make (something) ready for use or operation by assembling or arranging the parts. [6 definitions]
seven the number represented by the Arabic numeral 7 and by the Roman numeral VII. [3 definitions]
seventeen the number represented by the Arabic numeral 17 and by the Roman numeral XVII. [3 definitions]
seventeenth indicating rank or position between sixteenth and eighteenth. [3 definitions]
seventh indicating rank or position between sixth and eighth. [4 definitions]
seventieth indicating rank or position between sixty-ninth and seventy-first. [3 definitions]
seventy the number represented by the Arabic numeral 70 and by the Roman numeral LXX. [5 definitions]
several being more than two or three but not as large in number as to say "many." [4 definitions]
severe extremely strict; harsh; rigid. [4 definitions]
sew to construct, repair, or attach by making stitches with a needle and thread. [3 definitions]
sewage water and waste material carried away in sewers.