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sew to construct, repair, or attach by making stitches with a needle and thread. [3 definitions]
sewage water and waste material carried away in sewers.
sewer1 a large pipe, usu. buried, that carries off the liquid and solid waste of a town or city.
sewing the act or process of working with a needle and thread. [2 definitions]
sewing machine any of various machines for stitching or sewing, esp. one used for making clothing or the like.
sewn a past participle of sew.
sew up (informal) l. to bring successfully to a close. [2 definitions]
sex the sum of the qualities and characteristics that distinguish living things as being either male or female based on their physical role in reproduction. [6 definitions]
sex-1 six.
sexist one who practices or advocates sexism. [2 definitions]
Seychelles an island country in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar.
shabby showing signs of wear; threadbare; run-down. [4 definitions]
shack a small, cheaply constructed building used as a house or for storage.
shade relative darkness resulting from the interception of light rays. [16 definitions]
shadow the image cast on some surface by a person or thing blocking the light of the sun or another source of illumination. [12 definitions]
shady sheltered from sunlight; in the shade. [3 definitions]
shaft an arrow or spear, or the straight, slender part of one. [11 definitions]
shaggy having long, untidy hair, fur, or pile. [2 definitions]
shake to move back and forth or up and down with rapid, jerky motions. [16 definitions]
shake hands to grasp the hand of another person and move it up and down in a gesture of good will, often used upon meeting a new person or when confirming an agreement (often fol. by "with").
shaken past participle of shake.