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shady sheltered from sunlight; in the shade. [3 definitions]
shaft an arrow or spear, or the straight, slender part of one. [11 definitions]
shaggy having long, untidy hair, fur, or pile. [2 definitions]
shake to move back and forth or up and down with rapid, jerky motions. [16 definitions]
shake hands to grasp the hand of another person and move it up and down in a gesture of good will, often used upon meeting a new person or when confirming an agreement (often fol. by "with").
shaken past participle of shake.
shaky shaking; trembling. [2 definitions]
shale a sedimentary rock made up of layers of fine clay-like sediments that can easily be split into thin sheets.
shall used to express a future action or state; will (used only with the subjects "we" and "I"). [3 definitions]
shallow measuring little from top to bottom; lacking depth. [4 definitions]
shame emotional pain brought about by the knowledge that one has done something wrong, embarrassing, or disgraceful. [8 definitions]
shampoo a soap or detergent solution used to cleanse the hair. [4 definitions]
shamrock any of several cloverlike plants having leaves with three distinct parts, used as Ireland's national emblem.
shape the outward appearance of something as characterized by its outline; form. [10 definitions]
share to divide and give out to others while reserving a portion for oneself. [8 definitions]
shareware software delivered free of charge and, for continued use of which, users are asked to pay a small fee.
shark1 any of numerous large, voracious, tough-skinned sea fishes with skeletons of cartilage rather than bone.
shark2 a person who cheats or swindles others. [3 definitions]
sharp having a thin edge or a fine point, esp. for cutting or piercing; not blunt. [16 definitions]
sharpen to make or become sharp or sharper.
shatter to break (something) suddenly, esp. into small pieces. [3 definitions]