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share to divide and give out to others while reserving a portion for oneself. [8 definitions]
shareware software delivered free of charge and, for continued use of which, users are asked to pay a small fee.
shark1 any of numerous large, voracious, tough-skinned sea fishes with skeletons of cartilage rather than bone.
shark2 a person who cheats or swindles others. [3 definitions]
sharp having a thin edge or a fine point, esp. for cutting or piercing; not blunt. [16 definitions]
sharpen to make or become sharp or sharper.
shatter to break (something) suddenly, esp. into small pieces. [3 definitions]
shave to cut off facial or body hair with a razor. [8 definitions]
shaving a very thin slice or shaved-off piece, as of wood; sliver. [2 definitions]
shawl a usu. oblong piece of fabric, larger and heavier than a scarf, that is worn around the head and shoulders.
she the female person or animal that is under discussion or recently referred to. [5 definitions]
shear to cut off (hair or fleece) with a scissorlike tool. [7 definitions]
shears (sometimes used with a sing. verb) a large scissorlike tool, or an electric shaver, esp. for shearing sheep.
sheath a tightfitting case for the blade of a sword, knife, or the like. [3 definitions]
shed1 a simple, usu. one-story structure used for storage or shelter, or as a workshop, and either free-standing or attached to another building.
shed2 to cast off, take off, or let fall (a covering or growth). [7 definitions]
she'd contracted form of "she had," or contracted form of "she would."
sheep any of various grazing mammals, related to goats but of stockier build, that are commonly kept in flocks for their wool, meat, or skin. [2 definitions]
sheer1 transparently thin or fine. [4 definitions]
sheet1 a large rectangular article of bedding, usually of cotton or linen. [6 definitions]
sheik the leader of an Arab community or tribe. [2 definitions]