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shears (sometimes used with a sing. verb) a large scissorlike tool, or an electric shaver, esp. for shearing sheep.
sheath a tightfitting case for the blade of a sword, knife, or the like. [3 definitions]
shed1 a simple, usu. one-story structure used for storage or shelter, or as a workshop, and either free-standing or attached to another building.
shed2 to cast off, take off, or let fall (a covering or growth). [7 definitions]
she'd contracted form of "she had," or contracted form of "she would."
sheep any of various grazing mammals, related to goats but of stockier build, that are commonly kept in flocks for their wool, meat, or skin. [2 definitions]
sheer1 transparently thin or fine. [4 definitions]
sheet1 a large rectangular article of bedding, usually of cotton or linen. [6 definitions]
sheik the leader of an Arab community or tribe. [2 definitions]
shelf a thin, flat, usu. rectangular piece of wood, metal, or glass attached horizontally to a wall or in a cabinet, case, or the like for things to be kept upon. [3 definitions]
shell a hard outer covering of a mollusk, which is being continually created by the animal itself and serves to protect it from injury and from predators. [12 definitions]
she'll contracted form of "she will."
shellac thin sheets or flakes of processed lac, used in making varnish and other products. [5 definitions]
shellfish an aquatic invertebrate animal that has a shell, esp. an edible animal such as a clam, oyster, or lobster.
shelter a place, such as a structure, that provides protection from danger, weather, or the like; refuge. [7 definitions]
shelves pl. of shelf.
shepherd a person who herds and watches over sheep at pasture. [3 definitions]
sherbet a frozen dessert, usu. flavored with fruit juice and made with milk, egg whites, or gelatin.
sheriff the chief law-enforcement official of a county or similar governmental unit. [2 definitions]
she's contracted form of "she is," or contracted form of "she has."
Shetland pony any of a breed of very small but strongly built ponies native to the Shetland Islands.