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should used to indicate that some action is advisable, advantageous, or important for one to do. [5 definitions]
shoulder the part of the human body extending from the base of the neck to either upper arm. [8 definitions]
shoulder blade either of two large flat triangular bones forming the back parts of the shoulders; scapula.
shouldn't contracted form of "should not."
shout to call out loudly; yell. [3 definitions]
shove to push roughly or carelessly. [4 definitions]
shovel a large, long-handled scoop for digging or lifting heavy material such as earth, snow, or coal. [8 definitions]
show to cause or allow to be seen. [16 definitions]
shower1 a brief fall of rain. [11 definitions]
shown a past participle of show.
show-off one who tries to impress others by a display of physical ability, wealth, knowledge, wit, or the like. [2 definitions]
show off to display one's skills or abilities for the enjoyment of impressing others or in order to attract attention to oneself. [2 definitions]
show up (informal) to appear in a place. [2 definitions]
showy visually striking. [2 definitions]
shrank a past tense of shrink.
shred a long strip that is torn or cut off, or nearly torn off. [3 definitions]
shrew any of several small insectivorous mammals related to moles that have a long, pointed snout and tiny eyes. [2 definitions]
shrewd displaying good judgment and foresight; cunning; astute.
shriek a loud shrill cry, such as the call of certain birds or a human outcry of fear, joy, or surprise. [4 definitions]
shrill having, producing, or characterized by a high piercing sound. [4 definitions]
shrimp any of several small, mostly saltwater shellfish with long tails and five pairs of walking legs, or any of various similar shellfish, many of which are edible. [6 definitions]