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shrub a perennial plant, ranging in height from very low to the size of a small tree, and having woody stems that branch from close to the ground; bush.
shrug to raise and draw (the shoulders) inward to indicate one's lack of power over a situation, or one's lack of responsibility, concern, knowledge, or the like. [4 definitions]
shrug off to ignore or minimize. [3 definitions]
shrunk a past tense and past participle of shrink.
shrunken a past participle of shrink.
shudder to tremble or shiver uncontrollably, but usu. briefly, as from cold, fear, or distaste. [2 definitions]
shuffle to drag or scrape the feet along the floor while walking. [8 definitions]
shun to keep away from or avoid, esp. purposely.
shut to close (a door, window, or the like). [5 definitions]
shut down to stop operating. [4 definitions]
shut off to stop the flow of.
shutter a hinged wooden or metal cover that closes over the outside or inside of a window. [4 definitions]
shuttle a moving part in a loom that carries the woof back and forth through the warp. [7 definitions]
shut up to enclose; confine. [4 definitions]
shy1 reserved or ill at ease with other people; bashful. [7 definitions]
Siamese cat one of a breed of cat developed in Thailand, characterized by blue eyes and a pale gray or fawn coat with darker extremities.
Siberia a region in northern Asia, extending from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific, that is part of Russia. [2 definitions]
sibling one of two or more relatives that have at least one parent in common; sister or brother. [2 definitions]
sick having an illness or disease; ill. [5 definitions]
sickle a tool consisting of a long, sharp, semicircular blade held by a short handle, used to cut grain and long grass. [2 definitions]
sickly often sick; not strong or healthy. [5 definitions]