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sinuous with many curves or turns; winding. [3 definitions]
sinus any of various bodily cavities, recesses, or channels, esp. those in the skull bone that connect with the nasal cavities. [2 definitions]
Sioux a member of a group of American Indian peoples of the northern plains of the United States and of southern Canada, esp. the Dakota. [2 definitions]
sip to drink slowly and a little at a time. [3 definitions]
siphon a tube or pipe used to suck a liquid over the top of its container and into a lower one by means of air pressure. [3 definitions]
sir (often cap.) a respectful form of address for a man, usu. used in place of his name. [3 definitions]
siren (often cap.) in Greek mythology and The Odyssey, one of a group of sea nymphs who lure sailors to death on rocky coasts by their seductive singing. [6 definitions]
Sirius a white binary star in the constellation Canis Major, the brightest star in the sky with a combined magnitude of -1.4; Dog Star.
sissy (informal) an effeminate man or boy. [2 definitions]
sister a female having the same parents as another person. [4 definitions]
sisterhood the state of being a sister. [4 definitions]
sister-in-law the sister of one's spouse. [3 definitions]
sit to position oneself so that one is resting on the buttocks and thighs, or to be in such a position. [8 definitions]
site the location or proposed location of a town, city, building, or the like. [4 definitions]
sit tight to refrain from taking any action until there are further instructions or news.
situation state of affairs; circumstances. [4 definitions]
sit-up an exercise for the stomach muscles, in which one lies flat on one's back and then sits up without bending the legs and without support from the arms.
six the number represented by the Arabic numeral 6 and by the Roman numeral VI. [3 definitions]
sixteen the number represented by the Arabic numeral 16 and by the Roman numeral XVI. [3 definitions]
sixteenth indicating rank or position between fifteenth and seventeenth. [3 definitions]
sixth indicating rank or position between fifth and seventh. [4 definitions]