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sixteen the number represented by the Arabic numeral 16 and by the Roman numeral XVI. [3 definitions]
sixteenth indicating rank or position between fifteenth and seventeenth. [3 definitions]
sixth indicating rank or position between fifth and seventh. [4 definitions]
sixtieth indicating rank or position between fifty-ninth and sixty-first. [3 definitions]
sixty the number represented by the Arabic numeral 60 and by the Roman numeral LX. [5 definitions]
sizable of considerable size or quantity; fairly large.
size1 the physical extent or dimensions of anything. [5 definitions]
sizzle to make the hissing or crackling sound of frying fat or oils. [4 definitions]
skate1 a shoe with either a blade or a set of small wheels attached to the sole, for use, respectively, on ice and on other hard surfaces; ice skate or roller skate. [2 definitions]
skate2 any of several fish related to rays, found along the western U.S. coast and having a skeleton of cartilage, a flat body, side fins extending out like wings, and usu. a pointed snout.
skateboard a flat, short, narrow board mounted on four roller-skate wheels, ridden in a standing position or used to perform athletic feats such as jumps and flips. [2 definitions]
skein a length of yarn or thread wound in a long, loose loop before it is knitted or woven. [3 definitions]
skeleton the inner framework of bones and cartilage in vertebrate animals, which supports and protects the softer body parts, or the hard external shell of invertebrates and some vertebrates. [4 definitions]
skeptical having or showing doubt; questioning. [3 definitions]
sketch a preliminary drawing or painting, usu. done quickly or without detail, often as a study for a later work. [6 definitions]
sketchy giving only outlines or major points; like a sketch. [3 definitions]
ski one of a pair of long, narrow, smooth runners with upturned front tips, worn attached to boots, for gliding over snow. [5 definitions]
skid a sudden sliding, often sideways, of a vehicle without the wheels turning. [8 definitions]
skier a person who skis.
skiing the activity or sport of traveling over snow on skis.
skill ability to perform a task or tasks well, esp. because of training or experience. [3 definitions]