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skein a length of yarn or thread wound in a long, loose loop before it is knitted or woven. [3 definitions]
skeleton the inner framework of bones and cartilage in vertebrate animals, which supports and protects the softer body parts, or the hard external shell of invertebrates and some vertebrates. [4 definitions]
skeptical having or showing doubt; questioning. [3 definitions]
sketch a preliminary drawing or painting, usu. done quickly or without detail, often as a study for a later work. [6 definitions]
sketchy giving only outlines or major points; like a sketch. [3 definitions]
ski one of a pair of long, narrow, smooth runners with upturned front tips, worn attached to boots, for gliding over snow. [5 definitions]
skid a sudden sliding, often sideways, of a vehicle without the wheels turning. [8 definitions]
skier a person who skis.
skiing the activity or sport of traveling over snow on skis.
skill ability to perform a task or tasks well, esp. because of training or experience. [3 definitions]
skilled having skill. [2 definitions]
skillet a frying pan.
skillful having or using skill; adroit or adept. [2 definitions]
skim to remove (something) from the surface of a liquid, or to clear the surface of (a liquid) by removing fat or other floating matter. [8 definitions]
skim milk milk from which the cream has been separated.
skin the thin, pliable tissue covering the animal or human body. [7 definitions]
skin diving swimming in which the swimmer is equipped to move about quickly and easily underwater, as with flippers, face mask, scuba equipment, or the like.
skinny extremely thin and bony. [2 definitions]
skip to jump forward lightly by sliding and hopping on each foot alternately. [10 definitions]
skirt a woman's or girl's garment that hangs from the waist. [6 definitions]
skit a short, usu. humorous theatrical sketch. [2 definitions]