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skydiving the sport of jumping from an airplane and performing body maneuvers before opening the parachute.
skylight a window in a roof or ceiling, used to admit light.
skyline the line formed by the apparent boundary between the earth and the sky; horizon. [2 definitions]
skyrocket a firework that shoots high in the air before exploding in a shower of brilliant, colored sparks. [2 definitions]
skyscraper an extremely tall building.
slab a flat, usu. wide and thick piece of some solid, such as rock or food. [3 definitions]
slack1 not tight or taut. [12 definitions]
slacks trousers for men or women, esp. for casual wear.
slam1 to shut (a door, lid, or the like) with force and loud noise. [6 definitions]
slander a false statement or statements intended to injure someone's reputation or well-being, or the act of making such statements; defamation. [3 definitions]
slang words or phrases used in very informal speech that are typically more vivid, exaggerated, humorous, metaphorical, and short-lived than the standard vocabulary and usage. [3 definitions]
slant to incline at an oblique angle; slope. [7 definitions]
slap a sharp blow, as with an open hand, that makes a cracking sound. [8 definitions]
slapdash hastily and haphazardly. [2 definitions]
slash to cut or strike with violent, sweeping, and sometimes random strokes, as with a knife. [9 definitions]
slat one of several long narrow strips of wood or metal arranged in a uniform row, such as mattress supports, window blinds, the seat of a bench, or the like. [3 definitions]
slate a fine-grained, metamorphic rock that tends to split in smooth layers. [6 definitions]
slaughter the killing and butchering of animals, esp. for their meat. [4 definitions]
slave one who is owned by and forced to work for another with no pay or personal rights. [4 definitions]
slavery the ownership of one or more persons by another or others; bondage. [4 definitions]
slay to kill or murder deliberately and usu. violently. [2 definitions]