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son a person's male offspring, either natural or adopted. [4 definitions]
sonar a method for locating objects such as submarines underwater by means of transmitted and reflected sound waves (acronym for "sound navigation and ranging"). [2 definitions]
song a brief musical composition that is either intended to be sung or is able to be adapted for singing. [4 definitions]
songbird a bird that has a pleasant-sounding song or call. [2 definitions]
sonic of or related to audible sound or sound waves. [2 definitions]
sonnet a fourteen-line poem that usu. rhymes, often in accordance with one or another of certain traditional patterns.
Sonoran Desert an arid region of the American southwest and northwestern Mexico.
soon in a short time; shortly. [3 definitions]
soot a fine black powder produced during burning, which collects on the insides of chimneys or is carried into the air in smoke. [2 definitions]
soothe to make less angry, pained, distressed, or the like; calm or comfort. [3 definitions]
sophisticated having knowledge or experience of the world or of culture, esp. in connection with the manners and ways of adult society; not naive or simple; worldly-wise. [3 definitions]
sophomore a second-year student at a high school or college. [2 definitions]
soprano the singing voice or part with the highest range. [4 definitions]
sore feeling physical pain; hurting. [7 definitions]
sorrow the suffering or distress resulting from an injury, loss, misfortune, or the like; grief; sadness. [4 definitions]
sorry feeling regret, pity, sympathy, or the like. [5 definitions]
sort kind; class. [5 definitions]
SOS a call or signal for help, esp. by the use of the Morse code symbols for these letters, as from a ship in distress (considered by some to be an abbreviation for "save our ship" or "save our souls").
so that used to introduce a clause showing purpose or reason.
sought past tense and past participle of seek.
soul the spiritual dimension of human beings, regarded by some religions as immortal, and viewed as distinct from the physical body. [8 definitions]