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souvenir something kept as a reminder of a place, event, friendship, or the like; memento.
sovereign a monarch or other royal ruler. [5 definitions]
soviet a popularly elected national, regional, and local legislative body in the former Soviet Union. [4 definitions]
Soviet Union formerly, a country, comprising fifteen constituent republics, in eastern Europe and northern Asia; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Russia.
sow1 to plant or scatter (seeds) in or over the ground. [4 definitions]
sow2 a mature female pig or hog.
so what? used to express one's indifference to something, or to ask what the significance of something is, sometimes in a sarcastic or challenging way.
soybean a plant of the legume family that is widely grown for its nutritious seeds, for soil improvement, and as food for livestock. [2 definitions]
spa a mineral spring. [3 definitions]
space the three-dimensional expanse that contains the earth and everything beyond it. [12 definitions]
spacecraft a vehicle designed to travel in outer space, beyond the earth's atmosphere.
spaceship a vehicle designed to carry people and cargo in outer space, as to the moon or the other planets.
space shuttle a space vehicle designed to transport astronauts and their equipment between the earth and an orbiting space station, or to carry out orbital missions.
space station a large artificial satellite in long-term orbit, designed to be used as a military outpost, scientific research laboratory, or site for the assembly and launching of other spacecraft.
spacesuit a pressurized protective suit enabling the wearer to survive in outer space.
spacewalk the action or an instance of an astronaut's moving about outside a spacecraft in outer space. [2 definitions]
spacious having ample space. [3 definitions]
spade1 a shovel-like digging tool with a long handle and a sturdy flat blade that can be pushed into the ground with a foot. [3 definitions]
spade2 a black figure shaped like a pointed leaf with a short stem, used on playing cards. [3 definitions]
spaghetti a form of pasta made in long thin strings, usu. served with a meat, tomato, or other sauce. [2 definitions]
Spain a southern European country on the Iberian Peninsula between Portugal and the Mediterranean Sea.