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spank1 to strike (someone, usu. a child) with the open hand or a paddle, esp. on the buttocks, for punishment. [2 definitions]
spare to handle gently or leniently. [14 definitions]
spark a fiery or brightly glowing particle thrown off by burning wood. [8 definitions]
sparkle to throw off or reflect little flashes or gleams of light; glitter. [9 definitions]
sparrow any of various small songbirds that have brownish or grayish feathers and are common in many regions. [2 definitions]
sparse thinly scattered; not thick or dense; scanty.
spat1 a short, insignificant quarrel. [4 definitions]
spat2 a past tense and past participle of spit1.
spatter to scatter (a liquid) in small bits, drops, or splashes. [7 definitions]
spatula a cooking utensil or tool that has a wide, flat, usu. flexible blade, used esp. for spreading, mixing, or lifting.
spawn the mass of eggs deposited by fish, frogs, or other aquatic animals. [8 definitions]
SPCA abbreviation of "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."
speak to utter words in one's usual voice; talk. [8 definitions]
speaker one who speaks. [4 definitions]
speaking the act of uttering words or communicating vocally. [4 definitions]
spear1 a weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp pointed tip, usu. thrown or thrust overhand, and used in warfare, hunting, or fishing. [5 definitions]
spear2 a pointed sprout or shoot of a plant.
spearmint a common cultivated mint that yields an aromatic oil used for flavoring, as in candy and chewing gum.
special having a distinct or singular character that makes something distinguishable from other members of the same category. [9 definitions]
specialist a person who pursues a single interest or area of study. [3 definitions]
specialize to devote one's attentions to a specific pursuit or field of study. [4 definitions]