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specialty the condition of being special. [6 definitions]
species in biology, the most fundamental classification of living things, comprising individuals that naturally breed with one another but not with those of other species; subdivision of a genus. [3 definitions]
specific pertaining explicitly to a particular thing or person; particular; definite. [6 definitions]
specimen a portion or example that is representative of a larger whole. [2 definitions]
speck a small spot, blemish, or discoloration. [4 definitions]
spectacle a visible, usu. impressive thing or action, esp. a public performance or display. [3 definitions]
spectacular of, pertaining to, or like a spectacle; impressive; marvelous. [3 definitions]
spectator one that watches or observes. [2 definitions]
spectrum an array of a physical system or phenomenon according to the magnitude of one of its properties such as mass or wavelength, esp. an array of light in the order of wavelengths that produces the rainbow. [2 definitions]
speculate to wonder or make a guess or guesses with respect to something. [5 definitions]
sped a past tense and past participle of speed.
speech the faculty of communicating by speaking, or the act of speaking. [7 definitions]
speed the act of moving or ability to move rapidly or swiftly; quickness; swiftness. [10 definitions]
speed limit the highest legal driving speed in a state or region, or on a particular road or portion of a road.
speedometer an instrument that measures the speed of a moving vehicle. [2 definitions]
spell1 to name or write the letters of (a word) in order. [4 definitions]
spell2 a word, phrase, or the like used to bewitch or enchant; charm; incantation. [3 definitions]
spell3 a brief, undefined period or interval of time. [4 definitions]
spellbound held in fascinated attention, as if by a spell.
speller a person who spells words. [2 definitions]
spelling the way one or more words are spelled; orthography. [2 definitions]