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spellbound held in fascinated attention, as if by a spell.
speller a person who spells words. [2 definitions]
spelling the way one or more words are spelled; orthography. [2 definitions]
spell out to describe or explain in detail, so as to make unmistakably clear. [2 definitions]
spend to disburse (money or other resources). [4 definitions]
spent past tense and past participle of spend. [3 definitions]
sperm1 a male animal's reproductive cell; spermatozoon. [2 definitions]
sperm whale a large, toothed whale with a huge, squarish head from which sperm oil and spermaceti are obtained.
spew to spurt out (food brought up from the stomach); vomit. [5 definitions]
sphere a round, three-dimensional geometric figure in which every point on the surface is an equal distance from the center. [6 definitions]
sphinx in Egyptian mythology, a creature with a lion's body and the head of a human or animal. [4 definitions]
spice any of various edible plant substances with a distinctive aroma or taste, such as pepper or ginger, that are used to flavor or preserve food and drink. [5 definitions]
spicy containing strong spices, as food. [3 definitions]
spider any of various eight-legged invertebrates, related to mites and ticks, that typically spin webs in which to nest and catch their prey.
spike1 an object similar in appearance and function to a nail, but longer and thicker, used to fasten or secure heavy timbers, railroad tracks, or the like. [9 definitions]
spill1 to cause or allow (a liquid or small particles or objects) to flow or fall from a container, esp. unintentionally. [10 definitions]
spill the beans to inadvertently or purposely disclose a secret.
spin to draw out, twist, and wind (fibers), or to make (thread or yarn) by this process. [15 definitions]
spinach a leafy green plant widely cultivated as a vegetable.
spinal of, pertaining to, affecting, or near the spine or spinal cord. [3 definitions]
spinal column in vertebrate animals, the row of vertebrae linked together to form the axis of the skeleton and protect the spinal cord; spine; backbone.