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spiral a curve that begins from and continues to form a circle around a fixed point and that constantly increases or decreases in distance from it, in either a flat or a three-dimensional plane; coil or helix. [6 definitions]
spire1 a tall, narrow, cone-shaped roof or upward projection on a building or outer wall; steeple; pinnacle. [3 definitions]
spirit the vital force that is thought to be an element of human beings; soul. [11 definitions]
spirit away to remove secretly or mysteriously.
spiritual of or pertaining to that which is not of physical matter or substance; supernatural; incorporeal. [7 definitions]
spit1 to eject saliva or phlegm forcibly from the mouth; expectorate. [7 definitions]
spit2 a thin, pointed rod on which meat is impaled and rotated while broiling or roasting. [3 definitions]
spite the malicious wish to hurt, bother, or humiliate someone. [3 definitions]
splash to dash or scatter (a liquid or semiliquid). [9 definitions]
spleen a ductless organ on the left side near the stomach, which filters and stores blood, destroys certain worn-out red blood cells, and produces certain white blood cells of the immune system. [2 definitions]
splendid magnificent, grand, or the like; impressive. [2 definitions]
splice to join (pieces of film, tape, or the like) at the ends. [4 definitions]
splint a thin piece of wood, metal, or plastic used to support and immobilize a broken or dislocated limb or joint. [3 definitions]
splinter a small sharp sliver of some rigid material, such as wood, glass, metal, or bone, that is broken off from a larger piece. [4 definitions]
split to divide (logs, rocks, or the like) sharply, esp. lengthwise or in layers. [16 definitions]
spoil to ruin or detract from; make unusable or unsatisfactory. [5 definitions]
spoiled having a misguided sense that one is entitled to have one's desires and wishes gratified, resulting from overly indulgent treatment by parents or others. [3 definitions]
spoke1 past tense of speak.
spoke2 a rod or bar radiating from the center of a wheel and connected to the outer rim. [3 definitions]
spoken past participle of speak. [3 definitions]
spokesman a man who speaks for one or more other persons.