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sprinkle to scatter or drop (a substance) in droplets or small particles. [9 definitions]
sprinkler a device for sprinkling, esp. one for watering lawns, gardens, or crops. [2 definitions]
sprint to run or go at top speed, esp. for a relatively short distance. [4 definitions]
sprout to start to grow, as a shoot or bud. [6 definitions]
spruce1 any of various evergreen trees that have short, densely growing, needlelike leaves and bear hanging cones. [2 definitions]
spruce2 neat, stylish, or smartly dressed or groomed. [2 definitions]
sprung a past tense and past participle of spring.
spry agile and briskly energetic in motion; nimble.
spun past tense and past participle of spin. [2 definitions]
spur a device attached to a rider's boot heel that has a spike or toothed wheel and is used to urge the horse forward. [7 definitions]
spurt to rush or squirt out suddenly and forcefully, as liquid, steam, or the like; spout. [5 definitions]
sputter to speak or exclaim rapidly and explosively, often emitting saliva or bits of food, as in anger or confusion. [4 definitions]
spy a person employed by a nation's government to secretly observe and gather information about another nation's activities, plans, defenses, and the like. [6 definitions]
sq. abbreviation of "square."
sq. ft. abbreviation of "square foot," or "square feet."
squad a small number of persons trained to function together, such as an athletic team or the smallest unit of military personnel.
squall1 a sudden , brief, powerful windstorm, usu. with rain, snow, or sleet. [3 definitions]
square a rectangle whose four sides are of equal length. [24 definitions]
square root a divisor of a number which, when multiplied by itself, equals that number.
squash1 to press, beat, or crush into a pulp or flat mass. [8 definitions]
squash2 a gourdlike fruit that is borne on a vinelike plant and is eaten as a vegetable. [2 definitions]