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steep1 having a sharp slope or incline. [3 definitions]
steep2 to submerge and leave in a liquid, esp. for extracting an essential element, cleaning, or softening; soak. [5 definitions]
steeple a tall, narrow structure on top of a building, often including a pointed spire. [2 definitions]
steer1 to cause to move in a desired direction, as with a steering wheel, oar, rudder, or the like. [5 definitions]
steer2 a castrated male ox or other bovine animal, usu. raised for its meat.
steer clear of to keep away from; avoid.
steering wheel a wheel that is turned by a driver, helmsman, pilot, or the like to control the direction of a land vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.
stellar of, pertaining to, or resembling a star or stars. [2 definitions]
stem1 the main axis of a plant, usu. above ground, from which branches, leaves, flowers, or fruits may arise. [9 definitions]
stencil a sheet of some material impervious to paint, inks, or the like out of which letters or a pattern has been cut, so that paint, ink, or the like can pass through to form a design on the underlying surface. [4 definitions]
step the movement made by lifting one foot and placing it down in another place; motion used in walking. [12 definitions]
step- related by way of a remarriage.
stepdad (informal) a stepfather, the husband of one's mother but who is not one's biological father.
stepdaughter the daughter of one's spouse by a previous marriage.
stepfather the husband of one's mother, who may act as a father but is not one's father through a biological process.
stepmom (informal) stepmother; the wife of one's father but who is not one's biological mother.
stepmother the wife of one's father, who may act as a mother but is not one's mother through a biological process.
step on someone's toes to offend by acting aggressive or by encroaching on another's domain.
stepparent a stepfather or stepmother.
stepson the son of one's spouse by a previous marriage.
stereo a system of equipment for transmitting or reproducing stereophonic sound. [4 definitions]