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sterile free of live bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms; uncontaminated; sterilized. [4 definitions]
sterling of or made of the very finest silver, or .925 fineness. [7 definitions]
stern1 firm and uncompromising. [2 definitions]
stern2 the rear or back part of anything, esp. a nautical vessel. (Cf. bow3, stem3.)
stethoscope an instrument used to amplify sounds made by internal organs such as the heart, and convey them to an examiner's ear.
stew to cook by boiling slowly or simmering, usu. in a closed pot or other lidded vessel. [6 definitions]
stick1 a relatively long and thin piece of wood, esp. a stem or branch from a tree or shrub. [4 definitions]
stick2 to pierce or poke with a pointed object; stab. [19 definitions]
stick by to remain loyal to.
sticker a paper label, patch, or sign with adhesive on the back side. [2 definitions]
stickler one who insists strictly on the observance of or conformity to something (usu. fol. by "for"). [2 definitions]
stick out to stand out or push outward from a flat area; protrude. [3 definitions]
sticky tending to adhere when touched. [4 definitions]
stiff not easy to bend or flex; rigid. [13 definitions]
stile a set or series of steps for climbing over a fence or wall. [2 definitions]
still1 not moving; stationary. [14 definitions]
stilt either of two long, slender poles with footrests that enable the user to walk elevated above the ground. [3 definitions]
stimulate to incite or rouse to activity, action, or increased action. [2 definitions]
stimulus something that rouses or accelerates action, feeling, or thought. [2 definitions]
sting to prick, pierce, or wound with a stinger. [9 definitions]
stinger one that stings. [3 definitions]