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stop over to stop briefly before traveling further.
stopper a device that blocks an opening, esp. to prevent leakage of liquid; plug. [2 definitions]
stopwatch a watch that can be stopped and started instantly.
storage the act of storing or state of being stored. [4 definitions]
store a place where merchandise is sold. [7 definitions]
stork a wading bird with long legs, neck, and bill. [2 definitions]
storm a turbulent condition of the atmosphere, usu. accompanied by rain, snow, thunder, or lightning. [8 definitions]
stormy having or characterized by storms. [2 definitions]
story1 an account of an event or sequence of events, either true or invented. [7 definitions]
story2 one horizontal division of a building; floor. [2 definitions]
storyteller one who tells or writes stories. [2 definitions]
stout physically strong; sturdy; thick. [6 definitions]
stove1 an apparatus that uses electricity or burns fuel to provide heat for cooking or for heating a dwelling. [2 definitions]
stow to put away or store in a place or container. [4 definitions]
stow away to be a concealed passenger, as on a ship or airplane.
straggle to stray from or drop behind a group, as an individual. [2 definitions]
straight extending in a line without a curve or bend. [20 definitions]
straighten to make or become straight. [2 definitions]
strain1 to pull or stretch to a high degree of tension. [16 definitions]
strain2 all the descendants of a common ancestor; race. [4 definitions]
strainer a device used for straining or filtering. [2 definitions]