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stress the importance or significance given to something; emphasis. [8 definitions]
stressed affected by emotional stress; feeling strain and anxiety caused by fear or pressure. [3 definitions]
stressful characterized by or causing stress.
stretch to lengthen or extend (the body or limbs) to the full length. [19 definitions]
strict imposing severe discipline or requiring rigorous effort; unyielding; demanding. [4 definitions]
strictly strongly; absolutely.
stride to walk with long, even steps, as in an energetic, hurried, or showy manner. [7 definitions]
strike to hit (someone or something) with the hand or something used as a weapon. [31 definitions]
strike up to begin or cause to begin (the playing of a piece of music, or an acquaintanceship or conversation, or the like).
strike while the iron is hot to take advantage of an opportunity without delay.
striking causing a strong impression; very noticeable or remarkable. [2 definitions]
string a cord or slender rope used for binding or lacing. [12 definitions]
string bean any of the long green pods, eaten when unripe, that are produced by various bean plants; snap bean.
stringed equipped or furnished with strings.
stringed instrument any musical instrument, such as the violin, guitar, or zither, in which the tones are produced by strings played with the fingers or with a plectrum or bow.
strip1 to remove the outer covering or clothing from (something). [7 definitions]
strip2 a long, narrow piece or area of mostly uniform width. [3 definitions]
stripe1 a relatively long, narrow band or strip distinguished from the surrounding area or surface by color, texture, or the like. [5 definitions]
strive to try or work hard; exert oneself. [2 definitions]
stroke an act or instance of striking. [13 definitions]
stroll to walk slowly and without a definite goal or purpose, as for exercise or pleasure. [3 definitions]