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subway an underground passenger train or rail system, usu. electric, operating in a large metropolitan area. [3 definitions]
succeed to have a positive, beneficial, or favorable result or outcome. [4 definitions]
success a person or thing that is successful. [3 definitions]
successful having brought about the result that was desired. [4 definitions]
succession the act or process of following or coming after in sequence. [4 definitions]
successive following in sequential order; consecutive. [2 definitions]
successor a person or thing that succeeds another.
such of this particular character or kind. [7 definitions]
suck to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips to create a partial vacuum. [10 definitions]
suction the act or process of sucking. [4 definitions]
Sudan a country in northeastern Africa, south of Egypt. [2 definitions]
sudden occurring without notice or warning; unforeseen. [2 definitions]
suddenly abruptly or rapidly and often unexpectedly.
suds water mixed with soap or detergent, or the foam that is thus created; soapsuds. [2 definitions]
sue to start a legal claim against; prosecute in a civil court. [3 definitions]
Suez Canal a canal in northeastern Egypt across the Isthmus of Suez, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
suffer to experience pain, misfortune, or distress. [7 definitions]
suffering the act or state of one that suffers. [2 definitions]
sufficient enough; adequate.
suffix in grammar, an affix that is added to the end of a word, such as "-ed" in "wanted" or "-ment" in "entertainment". [3 definitions]
suffocate to kill by not allowing to take in oxygen; smother. [6 definitions]