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superintendent one who supervises or administers an institution, area, job, or the like. [2 definitions]
Superior Lake Superior, the largest and westernmost of the Great Lakes.
superior higher in rank, station, or degree. [9 definitions]
superiority the quality or state of being superior.
superlative of the finest kind or highest quality. [5 definitions]
supermarket a large, self-service store carrying a wide variety of food and household items.
supernatural of, pertaining to, or caused by forces separate from or superior to what are considered natural laws. [4 definitions]
superstition a belief that has no basis in fact. [4 definitions]
supervise to direct or oversee (employees, machines, or the like) during an activity or performance of a task; superintend.
supervisor a person who is in authority over other workers and who guides and disciplines them. [2 definitions]
supper an evening meal. [2 definitions]
supple easily curved or bent; flexible. [4 definitions]
supply1 to provide (what is wanted or required). [9 definitions]
support to bear (a weight or load). [10 definitions]
supporter one who agrees with or adheres to a cause, idea, person, or group, esp. one who gives active support. [3 definitions]
supportive providing support, assistance, or encouragement.
suppose to assume (something) as true for the sake of argument or illustration. [4 definitions]
supposed assumed to be true, without factual certainty. [5 definitions]
supposedly according to what people say or suppose; allegedly.
supreme having the highest rank, position, or authority. [3 definitions]
sure free of doubt as to the truth or reliability of something; certain; positive. [6 definitions]