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supply1 to provide (what is wanted or required). [9 definitions]
support to bear (a weight or load). [10 definitions]
supporter one who agrees with or adheres to a cause, idea, person, or group, esp. one who gives active support. [3 definitions]
supportive providing support, assistance, or encouragement.
suppose to assume (something) as true for the sake of argument or illustration. [4 definitions]
supposed assumed to be true, without factual certainty. [5 definitions]
supposedly according to what people say or suppose; allegedly.
supreme having the highest rank, position, or authority. [3 definitions]
sure free of doubt as to the truth or reliability of something; certain; positive. [6 definitions]
surely certainly; positively. [5 definitions]
surf ocean waves that break on the shore or other land barriers. [3 definitions]
surface the exterior boundary of something. [10 definitions]
surfboard a long, narrow board on which a person kneels, stands, or lies while surfing.
surfing the sport of riding the crests of waves as they break near the shore, usu. on a surfboard.
surge a strong, forceful forward motion, like that of a wave; rush. [6 definitions]
surgeon a medical doctor who specializes in surgery.
surgery the field of medicine that treats disease, physical complaints, and injury with medical operations. [6 definitions]
Suriname a country in northeastern South America on the Atlantic between Guyana and French Guiana.
surname the name that distinguishes one as part of a particular family, as opposed to one's given name; family name; last name. [2 definitions]
surpass to go past or beyond in degree or quantity; be greater or larger than. [3 definitions]
surplus the quantity that exceeds what is needed or required; an extra amount. [3 definitions]