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Sweden a Scandinavian country between Norway and Finland.
Swedish of or pertaining to Sweden or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
sweep to clear (a surface) of dirt, dust, or debris by means of a broom or similar device. [16 definitions]
sweet having a flavor like that of sugar or honey; not bitter, salty, or sour in taste. [14 definitions]
sweeten to cause to be sweet or sweeter, esp. in taste. [5 definitions]
sweetheart one of a pair of people who are in love with each other. [4 definitions]
sweet potato a tropical vine, native to parts of America, that bears purple flowers and has an edible orange root. [2 definitions]
sweet roll a round, sweetened bread made from rolled dough, served as a single portion, and eaten generally as a breakfast food. Sweet rolls may contain cinnamon, raisins, nuts, or other flavorings and may be topped with icing.
swell to increase in volume by inflation, absorption, internal pressure, growth, or the like; expand; distend. [19 definitions]
swelling the act or condition of something that is swelling or swollen. [2 definitions]
sweltering of weather, overly hot or humid; sultry. [2 definitions]
swept past tense and past participle of sweep.
swerve to change direction suddenly; turn abruptly; veer. [3 definitions]
swift moving or able to move very rapidly; speedy. [7 definitions]
swim to move through water by means of bodily motions. [10 definitions]
swimmer one who swims, esp. one who does so competitively.
swimming the activity or sport of propelling one's body through water by means of bodily motions.
swimming costume a British word for a garment worn for swimming. "Swimming costume" has the same meaning as "bathing suit."
swimming pool a large man-made tank or pool, usu. concrete and using water-filtering equipment, filled with water and used for swimming.
swimsuit see "bathing suit."
swindle to cheat, esp. by deceit; dupe. [4 definitions]