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take apart to divide or disassemble into smaller units. [2 definitions]
take a stab at to attempt or try, esp. with little chance of success.
take back to retrieve or reclaim ownership of. [3 definitions]
take care of to focus concerned attention on; be responsible for the welfare or condition of. [2 definitions]
take cover to seek protection or concealment.
take (someone) down a peg to make humbler.
take effect to start functioning or operating.
take into account to consider, esp. as an important factor in making a judgment.
taken past participle of take.
take note of to observe carefully, esp. so as to remember.
take off to remove from the body or from a surface. [6 definitions]
take one's breath away to astonish or startle.
takeout of or relating to prepared food that is consumed off the premises. [3 definitions]
take part to participate; involve oneself (usu. fol. by "in").
take place to happen.
take root to send out new roots; begin to grow or become fixed in the ground. [2 definitions]
take shape to come to have a more complete or definite form.
take someone's part to join with or support someone; side with someone.
take the bull by the horns to confront a formidable problem in a direct manner in spite of fear.
take to task to reprimand; rebuke; censure.
take turns to operate in way that lets two or more people or groups alternate with each other in performing a certain action. One has a turn, then the next has a turn, and so on.