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talent show a program of entertainment consisting of various performers and performing groups who compete to show off their talent. Performances are musical in the main, but may also include comedy routines, dance, acrobatics, juggling, and the like.
talk to communicate through spoken words; discuss. [14 definitions]
talk back to respond in a rude or impertinent manner.
talk shop to discuss one's work or profession.
talk show a radio or television program in which a host interviews or chats with celebrities or other preselected panelists and often encourages participation by listeners, viewers, or a studio audience.
tall having height in excess of the average. [6 definitions]
tallow the hard fatty matter from animals such as cattle or sheep, used in making soap, candles, lubricants, and certain foods. [3 definitions]
tall tale a story that is unlikely to be true and often involving elements that are clearly exaggerated.
tally a device or form for recording totals. [7 definitions]
Talmud the two-part collection of rabbinic writings on civil and religious law that is authoritative for traditional, esp. Orthodox, Judaism. (See Mishnah, Gemara.)
talon a bird or animal claw, esp. of a bird of prey. [2 definitions]
tamale a peppery Mexican dish of ground meat in a wrapper of cornmeal dough, steamed or baked in corn husks.
tambourine a small, shallow, one-sided drum with jingling metal disks attached around the rim, played by shaking with one hand and striking with the other. Some tambourines do not have a drum head and make sound only with the colliding of the metal disks.
tame brought or bred out of the wild state and made tractable; domesticated. [7 definitions]
tamper1 to meddle so as to damage, alter, or render something ineffective or harmful (usu. fol. by "with"). [2 definitions]
tan to convert (animal skin) into leather by soaking in a tanning solution. [8 definitions]
tang a sharp, distinctive flavor, odor, freshness, or the like. [3 definitions]
tangerine a citrus tree bearing a type of mandarin orange that has a loose, reddish orange skin, a slightly flattened shape, and sweet, juicy, easily separated sections of pulp. [3 definitions]
tangle to mix, knot, or entwine, making separation or straightening difficult (often fol. by "up"). [7 definitions]
tank a large receptacle used to hold liquid or gas. [5 definitions]
tan one's hide (informal) to beat or spank someone severely.