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task a specific item of work assigned to one; duty. [4 definitions]
Tasmanian devil a small, burrowing, ferocious carnivorous mammal native to Tasmania.
tassel a pendant ornament made of a bunch of threads or cords of equal length that are tied together at one end and hang free at the other. [4 definitions]
taste to experience or evaluate the flavor of by putting into the mouth. [15 definitions]
taste bud any of the oval or rounded cell structures on the surface of the tongue that form the sense organ of taste.
tasteless having little or no taste or flavor; insipid. [2 definitions]
tasty having a pleasing, agreeable flavor; delicious.
tatter a torn and hanging part, shred, or piece, as of a garment or flag. [4 definitions]
tattle to reveal secrets of or disclose information about another person, usu. out of malice; inform against another. [3 definitions]
tattle on to betray (someone) by disclosing misbehavior, secrets, or the like to another; tell on.
tattletale a person who informs against or reveal secrets of another, esp. among children; telltale.
tattoo1 an indelible picture, pattern, or other marking made on the skin by puncturing it and inserting pigments. [2 definitions]
taught past tense and past participle of teach.
taunt to reproach, deride, or challenge in scornful, insulting language; jeer at. [2 definitions]
taupe a dark brownish gray color.
Taurus a winter zodiacal constellation located between Aries and Gemini and near Orion, and containing the bright star Aldebaran, the Crab Nebula, and two star clusters, the Pleiades and the Hyades; Bull. [3 definitions]
taut tightly drawn, pulled, or stretched; not slack. [3 definitions]
tavern a place that sells alcoholic beverages for drinking on its premises; bar. [2 definitions]
tawny a light brown color having shades of yellow or orange; tan. [2 definitions]
tax a sum of money levied by government on income, property, or sales and used for its services and administration. [6 definitions]
taxation the act of imposing a tax or taxes. [3 definitions]