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tavern a place that sells alcoholic beverages for drinking on its premises; bar. [2 definitions]
tawny a light brown color having shades of yellow or orange; tan. [2 definitions]
tax a sum of money levied by government on income, property, or sales and used for its services and administration. [6 definitions]
taxation the act of imposing a tax or taxes. [3 definitions]
taxi a taxicab. [5 definitions]
taxicab an automobile or other common form of transportation that carries passengers for a fee that is usu. determined according to the distance traveled.
taxpayer one who pays or is subject to paying taxes.
TB abbreviation of "tuberculosis," a contagious disease of human beings and some animals, caused by a bacterium and characterized by the formation of tubercles on body tissues, esp. in the lungs.
TBA abbreviation of "to be announced."
tbs. abbreviation of "tablespoon" or "tablespoons."
T cell a lymphocyte affected by the thymus that acts as a defense against certain intracellular pathogens.
tea an evergreen bush that bears white flowers and that grows primarily in China, Japan, India, and Sri Lanka. [6 definitions]
teach to instruct by imparting knowledge or advice to. [7 definitions]
teacher one who teaches, esp. as an occupation.
teaching the activity or occupation of one who teaches. [3 definitions]
teak a tall evergreen tree of Asia with hard, yellowish brown wood. [2 definitions]
teal any of several small freshwater ducks with short necks. [2 definitions]
team a group of competitors on one of the sides in a sporting event or game. [7 definitions]
teammate a member of the same team or group.
teamwork the work or coordinated effort of a team or group of people to produce a desired result.
teapot a covered pot with a spout and handle that is used to make and serve tea.