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teaching the activity or occupation of one who teaches. [3 definitions]
teak a tall evergreen tree of Asia with hard, yellowish brown wood. [2 definitions]
teal any of several small freshwater ducks with short necks. [2 definitions]
team a group of competitors on one of the sides in a sporting event or game. [7 definitions]
teammate a member of the same team or group.
teamwork the work or coordinated effort of a team or group of people to produce a desired result.
teapot a covered pot with a spout and handle that is used to make and serve tea.
tear1 a drop of salty liquid produced in the eye which serves to cleanse and lubricate the surface of the eye and which is often produced in greater amounts when a person feels certain emotions, esp. sadness. [4 definitions]
tear2 to pull apart or into pieces. [12 definitions]
tear down to destroy or demolish (a standing structure).
tease to make fun of or attempt to provoke in a playful or mocking way. [9 definitions]
teaspoon in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one and a third fluid drams or about five milliliters, used in cooking. (abbr.: tsp.) [4 definitions]
technical of or relating to technique. [5 definitions]
technician a person whose work requires certain technical skills. [2 definitions]
technique the specific method of doing or performing something. [2 definitions]
technological of or relating to technology. [2 definitions]
technology an area of knowledge or expertise concerning the practical applications of science and industry, or the collective methods and inventions that are produced through research in such areas. [2 definitions]
tectonic plate any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions.
tectonics (used with a sing. verb) the study of structural geology. [2 definitions]
teddy bear any of several children's toys made to look like a bear, filled with soft stuffing and covered with furlike plush.
teem to have in abundance; swarm (usu. fol. by "with").