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thoroughbred bred from pure or unmixed stock, as a horse, dog, or other animal. [6 definitions]
thoroughfare a street that opens at both ends into other streets. [2 definitions]
those pl. of that.
thou the person or divinity spoken to or addressed (used as nd person singular pronoun esp. in earlier literature and religious writing); you.
though in spite of the fact that. [3 definitions]
thought1 the act, process, or power of thinking. [6 definitions]
thought2 past tense and past participle of think.
thoughtful inclined to be deep in thought; contemplative. [3 definitions]
thoughtless not thinking adequately or enough; careless; reckless. [3 definitions]
thousand the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1000 and by the Roman numeral M. [4 definitions]
thrash to give a beating to; whip or flog. [5 definitions]
thread a fine strand of spun fiber such as cotton or flax, usu. composed of two or more filaments twisted together and used in sewing, weaving, and the like. [12 definitions]
threat a declaration of intent to cause harm or difficulty, or to inflict punishment. [3 definitions]
threaten to declare intent to harm or punish. [7 definitions]
threatened having a questionable chance of surviving into the future.
three the number represented by the Arabic numeral 3 and by the Roman numeral III. [3 definitions]
thresh to separate the grain from the chaff of (a cereal such as wheat). [3 definitions]
threshold the sill underneath a door; doorway. [3 definitions]
threw past tense of throw.
thrift prudent management and saving of one's resources, esp. money; frugality. [3 definitions]
thrill to cause to feel a sudden, intense excitement, passion, or the like. [8 definitions]