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timber trees that are suitable as a source of wood for construction. [5 definitions]
time a nonspatial system in which events appear to happen in irreversible succession; arrangement of events into past, present, and future. [18 definitions]
time limit a limit set on the amount or period of time during which some action can or must be taken or completed.
timely occurring punctually or at just the right moment. [2 definitions]
timer one who measures or records time; timekeeper. [3 definitions]
times multiplied by.
timetable a schedule listing the times at which or within which certain events, such as the arrival and departure of trains, buses, and airplanes, are to occur.
time zone any of twenty-four longitudinal divisions of the earth that are roughly defined by their distances from the prime meridian, and each of which keeps a standard time one hour earlier than does the zone to its east.
timid hesitant to engage in social contact or draw public attention; shy. [2 definitions]
timing the act, art, or method of adjusting tempo, actions, and occurrences to create the most powerful or useful effect.
tin a chemical element that has fifty protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a malleable, corrosion-resistant, silvery white metal solid darkening to gray below about thirteen degrees Celsius, used in a variety of alloys such as bronze and pewter and as corrosion-resistant plating and solder. (symbol: Sn) [8 definitions]
tinfoil tin, aluminum, or a tin alloy rolled out in a thin, flexible sheet and used as wrapping or lining, as for food and food containers.
tinge to impart a faint or slight trace of something to. [4 definitions]
tingle to feel a prickling or stinging sensation, esp. on the skin. [4 definitions]
tinkle to make faint or light ringing sounds, as small chimes. [4 definitions]
tinsel a glittering material with a metallic appearance that is produced in strips, sheets, or the like and used for its decorative effect, esp. at Christmas. [6 definitions]
tint a variety or shade of a color. [6 definitions]
tiny extremely little; minute; miniature.
tip1 the extreme end, esp. of something slender, tapered, or pointed. [6 definitions]
tip2 to move to a leaning or inclined position; tilt. [8 definitions]
tip3 a small gift, usu. money, given in appreciation for a service rendered. [5 definitions]