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tiptoe the end or tip of a toe. [6 definitions]
tire1 to reduce the strength and energy of; make weary. [4 definitions]
tire2 a covering fitted around the rim of a wheel, esp. an inflated hollow ring of reinforced rubber.
tired needing sleep or rest; fatigued; sleepy. [3 definitions]
tiring causing a loss of strength or energy. [2 definitions]
'tis contracted form of "it is."
tissue the mass of like cells in an animal or plant body, esp. as they form a specific organ. [5 definitions]
tissue paper very thin, almost transparent paper used esp. as a wrapping.
title a name that identifies a book, film, play, piece of music, or work of art. [6 definitions]
TN abbreviation of "Tennessee," a southeastern U.S. state between Kentucky and Alabama.
TNT a yellow flammable solid that is unaffected by ordinary friction or shock, but is used as an explosive; trinitrotoluene.
to in the direction of; toward. [15 definitions]
toad any of numerous tailless amphibians that have dry rough warty skins, live primarily on land, and resemble the related frog. [3 definitions]
to a degree to a certain extent; somewhat.
toadstool a mushroom, esp. one that is umbrella-shaped, inedible, and, often, poisonous.
to a fault to an extent that is almost too favorable or good.
toast1 bread that has been sliced and browned in an oven, toaster, or the like. [4 definitions]
toast2 a call on other people to drink in honor of someone or something, or a short verbal salute preceding this call. [5 definitions]
toaster1 an electric appliance designed to heat and brown bread, rolls, or the like.
to a T completely and suitably; to perfection.
tobacco any of a variety of native American plants with large sticky leaves that are smoked, chewed, or used in snuff. [3 definitions]