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too in addition; as well; also. [4 definitions]
took past tense of take.
tool an instrument, such as a hammer, drill, or other hand-held device, used for doing work. [7 definitions]
toolbox a portable, usu. compartmentalized container for hand tools.
toot to make a quick, short sound on a horn or whistle. [5 definitions]
tooth one of the hard, white, bonelike objects rooted in rows in the jaws of vertebrates, used for biting and chewing. [5 definitions]
toothache a pain in or close to a tooth.
toothbrush a brush with a short narrow head and a long handle, used to clean the teeth.
toothpaste a paste used to clean the teeth.
toothpick a short, thin sliver of wood, plastic, or metal, pointed at one or both ends and used to dislodge food particles from between the teeth.
top1 the uppermost area, point, or surface. [15 definitions]
top2 a children's toy in the shape of a cone that is made to spin on its point.
topaz a precious gemstone occurring in various colors, esp. yellow and brown. [2 definitions]
topic a general subject of conversation or other discourse. [3 definitions]
topography the shape, height or depth, and location of the surface features of a place, area, or region. [2 definitions]
topple to waver or totter and fall down; tumble. [4 definitions]
topsy-turvy upside down. [4 definitions]
torah (sometimes cap.) the entire body of Jewish law and commentary, both written and oral, esp. the Old Testament and the Talmud. [2 definitions]
torch a stick or rod with a flammable material fixed or wound on one end, ignited and carried as a portable light. [6 definitions]
tore past tense of tear2.
torment to inflict great physical or mental anguish on. [4 definitions]