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tributary a river or stream that flows into a larger river or stream, or into a lake. [3 definitions]
tribute something given, done, or said to express respect, admiration, or obligation. [3 definitions]
trick something done to deceive, cheat, or outwit someone. [13 definitions]
trickle to fall or flow in drops or in a thin, weak stream. [5 definitions]
trick or treat a tradition practiced by children at Halloween, consisting of calling on neighbors while dressed in a costume and saying the words "trick or treat!" in order to receive a treat such as candy. [2 definitions]
trick-or-treat to engage in the Halloween tradition of visiting neighbors while wearing a costume and requesting candy or other treats by saying the words "trick or treat!"
tricky given to or marked by deception or trickery; wily. [2 definitions]
tricycle a three-wheeled vehicle usually ridden by pushing pedals with one's feet.
tried past tense and past participle of try. [3 definitions]
trifle something that has very little value or importance. [6 definitions]
trigger a small lever that when pressed or pulled causes a firearm to fire, or a similar lever on another device or machine. [4 definitions]
trill a rapid tremulous alternation of one musical tone with an adjacent whole or half tone; vibrato; tremolo. [5 definitions]
trillion the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1,000,000,000,000. [5 definitions]
trim to make neat, orderly, or manageable by cutting, clipping, or otherwise removing excess material. [13 definitions]
Trinidad and Tobago a southeastern West Indian country that comprises the islands of Trinidad and Tobago.
trinket a small piece of jewelry or other decorative object, usu. inexpensive. [2 definitions]
trio in music, a group of three singers or players. [3 definitions]
trip a journey, voyage, or excursion. [18 definitions]
triple three times the amount of. [9 definitions]
triplet one of three children born at a single birth. [4 definitions]
tripod a usu. adjustable three-legged stand or support, as for a camera or telescope.