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typewriter a machine that produces type similar to that of print by the manual depression of keys that activate letters, numbers, or characters.
typhoon a violent tropical hurricane or cyclone that occurs in the western Pacific area and the China Sea.
typical displaying the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing. [2 definitions]
tyranny a government in which a single person rules absolutely and despotically. [4 definitions]
tyrant a ruler who governs absolutely and with arbitrary or unjust cruelty and oppression. [3 definitions]
tzar a variant of czar.
u the twenty-first letter of the English alphabet. [4 definitions]
udder a large mammary organ with two or more glands, each with its own nipple, as in a cow or goat.
UFO abbreviation of "unidentified flying object."
Uganda an East African country between Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
ugly having an unpleasant appearance; unattractive; unsightly. [4 definitions]
Ukraine an East European country bordered primarily by Poland, Russia, and the Black Sea.
Ukrainian of or pertaining to Ukraine or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
ukulele a small guitarlike musical instrument with four strings that was popularized in Hawaii.
ulcer an inflamed open sore on or in the body that is marked by death of tissue and the production of pus, esp. such a sore in the stomach or small intestine. [2 definitions]
ultra- above; beyond. [2 definitions]
umbilical cord a tough, flexible cord that connects the navel of a fetus to the placenta of its mother and that supplies nourishment to, and removes wastes from, the fetus.
umbrella a usu. portable or movable shield against the rain or sun, consisting of a collapsible canopy attached to and supported on radiating ribs joined to a central rod or stick. [4 definitions]
umpire one appointed to rule on plays in a game, esp. a professional performing that function in a baseball game; referee. [4 definitions]
UN (used with a sing. or pl. verb) abbreviation of "United Nations," (used with a sing. or pl. verb) an international organization founded in 1945 to promote world peace, security, cooperation, and understanding.
un- not. [2 definitions]