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unfair violating accepted standards of fairness or just treatment. [2 definitions]
unfamiliar not previously experienced or known; unusual; strange. [2 definitions]
unfasten to release from fastenings; untie; undo; separate. [2 definitions]
unfold to open or spread out from a folded condition. [4 definitions]
unfortunate suffering from adverse luck; unlucky. [4 definitions]
unfortunately a word used to express that an event being talked about is something unlucky or something that turned out badly.
unfriendly aloof, unpleasant, or hostile to others. [2 definitions]
unhappy not glad or cheerful; sad; gloomy. [4 definitions]
unhealthy in bad health; ill; sickly. [4 definitions]
unheard-of never known about before; unprecedented or unknown. [2 definitions]
uni- single; one.
unicorn a mythical animal having the body of a horse and a single horn projecting from its forehead.
uniform unvarying; consistent. [5 definitions]
uniform resource locator an address identifying the location of a file on the Internet, commonly called a "URL." A uniform resource locator, or URL, consists of the computer on which the file is located and the file's location on that computer.
unify to bring together into a single unit or entity; unite. [2 definitions]
unimportant of no meaning or value; not important. [2 definitions]
uninhabited not lived in, esp. by humans.
uninterested having no interest; paying no heed; indifferent.
union the act of uniting. [6 definitions]
unique being the only one of its type; sole; single. [5 definitions]
unison (prec. by "in") the simultaneous sounding of voices, or of musical tones in the same pitch or in octaves. [2 definitions]